Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RUDE. Or: Fuck you, Media.

Today's post is a disapproving finger-waggle to Toronto Media. Seriously Miss Manners, where are you?? I know if you could see this you'd cut a bitch.

My twatter feed is lit up with livebloggers going on about Sgt Ryan Russell's funeral. His death in the line of duty makes me ill. I'm not that good about death to begin with and the idea of it being someone's job to die because there are lunatics about just makes me sad.

Having died in service to his city, it's definitely sensible that the city provides a funeral service large enough for the citizens to pay their respects despite never knowing him in life. What grosses me out though, is the media presence. A funeral is supposed to be a solemn and respectful time for people to say goodbye to a loved one. To have "journalists" tweeting every last detail as it happens or videotaping it for the 6 o'clock news is so fucking tacky that I wish I could raise Miss Manners to punch them all in the face. Get off your cell phones or get out - it's a funeral. By all means right a human interest piece on it after the fact. Totally appropriate. Nobody who isn't there needs to know the exact moment a body was lowered into the ground, or at which time there were bagpipers piping.

So here's to all the "journalists" who thought it would be appropriate to peck away at their PDA's or stand behind a camera yapping into a mic instead of showing honest respect for someone who died protecting their city. Sensationalizing a funeral is disgusting and makes you an attention whoring hack, not a respectable journalist. Would you want a bunch of people videotaping you if he was your brother? Your son? Your husband? Or would you rather be left to mourn in private with the comfort of your family and friends?

1 comment:

  1. A-fucking-men. Seriously, the media needs to know when to go play on the 401.
