Thursday, September 2, 2010

Parenting 101 - OR - Skilldren Are Better Than Children

I'm definitely going to start doling out advice about everything. I'm clearly suited to parenting advice as seen below when I ask a couple out of town friends to come visit on an otherwise boring Thursday night. The conversation gets derailed by talk of babies, as in our circle there have been a ton of new ones. Well not a ton.. I figure at around 7lbs each, there's definitely somewhere in the 50-60lb range of new babies.

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:21:00 AM)
I love babies :d

-Patrick- says: (12:21:40 AM)
me too :D

-Patrick- says: (12:21:43 AM)
*shocker* lol

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:22:59 AM)

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:23:12 AM)
I think u start to love babies more after u have one

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:23:18 AM)
U see what everyone else does lol

-Patrick- says: (12:23:27 AM)
LoL yeah

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:23:49 AM)
We are having a 3sum

-Patrick- says: (12:24:25 AM)
YEAH!! hahaha

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:24:41 AM)

-Patrick- says: (12:24:55 AM)
kidnap ryan and come down here for beer

-Patrick- says: (12:25:09 AM)
i totally just wrote him a get out of work free note

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:25:16 AM)
Oooooo I wish I could but baby just went down

-Patrick- says: (12:25:36 AM)
ryan has a carrier - she can ride with pebbles!

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:25:43 AM)
I don't have the privledge of random kidnaps nemore lmfao

-Patrick- says: (12:25:44 AM)
cozy AND efficient!

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:26:51 AM)
Its true lol

-Patrick- says: (12:27:07 AM)
you need grandparents on speed dial

-Patrick- says: (12:27:20 AM)
"gotta go drink my feelings - here's the baby"

-Patrick- says: (12:27:21 AM)

-Patrick- says: (12:27:22 AM)

-Patrick- says: (12:27:27 AM)
we need a bartender, she has to come

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:27:33 AM)
I wish it was that easy

-Patrick- says: (12:27:45 AM)
LoL i know it's not - at least not in my house

-Patrick- says: (12:27:49 AM)
they need at least a day's notice

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:28:34 AM)
She can't even hold her own bottle yet consistantly how is she going to bartend lmfao

-Patrick- says: (12:29:16 AM)
sweetie you have to train her... skilldren just don't come out of the box fixing drinks and making shoes

-Patrick- says: (12:29:37 AM)
she's what - 4 months already?

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:30:02 AM)
5 lmfao

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:30:11 AM)
Ur killing me over here

-Patrick- says: (12:30:25 AM)
shit - she should already be lighting shooters on fire and spinning bottles... get with the program!!

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:30:57 AM)
I'm not coyote ulgy over here

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:30:59 AM)

-Patrick- says: (12:31:25 AM)
you've at least already got her doing dishes and laundry i hope

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:32:13 AM)
I wish. I can't wait til she can do my chores lol

-Patrick- says: (12:32:20 AM)
soon darling

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:32:54 AM)

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:32:54 AM)

-Patrick- says: (12:33:06 AM)
and she'll think it's fun if you do it right

-Patrick- says: (12:33:13 AM)
that's how you win

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:33:22 AM)
I'm just gonna pay her off lol

-Patrick- says: (12:33:23 AM)
then you'll want like 4 more

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:33:30 AM)

-Patrick- says: (12:33:36 AM)
an army of skilldren doing your bidding

-Patrick- says: (12:33:43 AM)
and your errands

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:33:49 AM)
I would have 100 babies if they were all like her

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:33:54 AM)

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:33:57 AM)
Ur too much

-Patrick- says: (12:34:25 AM)
if you go all octo-mom or whatever it is with 100.. i totally want one or 2

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:34:41 AM)

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:34:48 AM)
Ill be happy with one more

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:35:00 AM)
I've already got 3 step-children

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:35:11 AM)
Its not cheaper by the dozen over here lol

-Patrick- says: (12:35:25 AM)
if you have too many you can put them on and trade them for shit

-Patrick- says: (12:35:40 AM)
if they can do chores you could probably get a nice car or tv

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:35:40 AM)
Lmfao omg

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:35:52 AM)

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:36:05 AM)
Is that really true or are u pulling my leg lol

-Patrick- says: (12:37:09 AM)
LoL the law isn't really a grey area about selling kids.. it's pretty illegal. human trafficking if i'm
not mistaken. But if you left the kid somewhere, and then got into the car that someone else left the keys in for you...

-Patrick- says: (12:37:13 AM)
just saying it's not impossible

-Patrick- says: (12:37:49 AM)
look at those people who say their kid is gone to visit relatives overseas or to boarding school. they're fucking liars. i bet you all those people have fancy new boats and shit

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:37:53 AM)
I'm seriously dying over here

-Patrick- says: (12:38:27 AM)

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:38:35 AM)
I think I'm gonna bust a kidney

-Patrick- says: (12:38:45 AM)

-Patrick- says: (12:38:52 AM)
don't spray ryan with pee

~ * (L) QUEEN (L) * ~ says: (12:38:55 AM)
I dunno how ur bored

-Patrick- says: (12:38:57 AM)
unless he drove his mom's car

-Patrick- says: (12:39:03 AM)
it has leather seats.. wipes right off

DISCLAIMER - Don't put babies in pet-carriers with your pet. They'll probably pee on each other and have several years of awkward moments afterward.


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