Friday, September 3, 2010

Everybody Poops. Then they talk about it. A lot.

*This is from two years ago - 13 August 08. Wow.

There really are websites about EVERYTHING! I've been aware of this for some time... but only out of expectation. If I want to find a product, service, info, or anything, I know I can turn to google and dig up whatever I need.

Since there is excessively more bad news every day, I often turn to weird news and blogs so that I can be informed at my leisure without having to hear about every gunshot or overturned truck because sometimes I just don't want to hear it.

I also don't want to hear about the Olympics because I don't care.
Or miley cyrus, because not only do I not care, I don't care twice because she's two people, and they're both tragic and oddly whorish for 15 year olds.

That's how I stumbled across this...

I'm not joking. It's really there.

Read articles, essays, jokes, or have discussions about poo.

OR you can buy merchandise from the Pootique.. I challenge the world to show me a better name for a store. Every store that sells crap that people don't need should be a pootique.

Who's on my Christmas list this year?? not to spoil the surprise, but I'm definitely shopping there.

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