Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I keep forgetting to write shit here.

Things are more than awesome. I'm finally free of the worst person I've ever shared breathing space with. I'm terrified for the folks he's running with now, since I was warned before moving in with him that it would be the mistake of my lifetime. It was. I'm now going to listen to people when they warn me about someone. Not every situation in life is a craigslist scam, but people who've suffered before are authorities on these things.
I'm told the people he's rallying around him now have already been warned, but are of the opinion that "he didn't do those things to me so they don't count." That was the same attitude I approached the situation with, and I ended up hosed. I really hope he learned from living with me that abusing relationships was a bad idea, but I have very obvious doubts. Since living with him, I've heard from all the other people he's stolen from. It makes me really sad. I wish there was something I could have done other than leave that situation, but talking to him about it didn't work.

Today's piece of advice: When your friends tell you you're making a huge mistake, trust that they're helping you learn from their mistake. Take a huge step back and analyze the situation, but don't discount someone who's been there.